How can we build self-worth in children? How do we help them develop an intrinsic sense of worth – that same sense of what they bring to the world, that deeper sense of who they are, on a profound level? How do we, as parents, help our children build their sense of self worth?
There are many ways to do this. You might take your child to a psychologist, or talk to them about it in person. You might encourage the development of an interest in history or art or even sports. However, none of these are going to help them to understand who they really are. They are all geared towards making them feel good about themselves at some point. That isn’t enough.
So how can you help a child develop their self-worth? Start by looking at their behavior and talk to them about their negative traits. Look for things like alcohol abuse, violence, or self-injury. If you notice any bad behavior, make it your mission to change that behavior. It is not easy to do at first, but if you stick with it you will soon see a change in their behavior.
Tell them what kind of people they should become and what kind of people they shouldn’t become. Don’t look at it as judgement, but rather as a way of helping them to recognize who they are. Acknowledge that they have both negative and positive traits and talk to them about those traits. If they accept them, then you have started them on the road to self-worth.
When children do finally realize who they are, be sure to give them lots of love. Kids with low self worth tend to get into arguments or act out. Give them lots of love and praise so that they will feel good about themselves. This can actually have a reverse effect and can actually build their self-worth even more.
Build your self worth by showing children who they can be. Children learn from their parents. So if they see you as being loving and giving them lots of love, they will pick up those behaviors themselves. That is why it is so important to build self worth in kids.
Also, when children are older, you want to be sure that they know who they are. Do not make fun of them because they may grow up with low self esteem. One of the best ways for you to build self worth in kids is to simply take them into the bathroom one day and tell them how wonderful their lives are. Then encourage them to believe in themselves and their capabilities.
Try to help your kids develop their confidence as well. Sometimes just simply talking to your child can help them feel better about themselves. If they start feeling good about themselves, they will naturally attempt to do the same things. Helping your kids build their self-worth should be a goal that you both share.