How to Teach Kids Empathy


Did you know that it is your job to teach kids to be empathetic? The truth is, when it comes to teaching kids to be sensitive, many parents just don’t get it. It is actually a relatively new concept. Parents need to come up with a strategy that will teach their children how to develop this trait. After all, there are a lot of things that can happen to make a child upset or frustrated. Kids have to learn to deal with these emotions without getting overly worked up.

One way to teach kids to be more empathetic is through story telling. You and your child should sit down and tell a story about something that happened to your family or some special person in your life. Try not to focus on yourself too much. Focus on the special person that your child is relating to. When they listen to you and pay attention to what you are saying, it will help them understand the situation they are in better.

Another way to teach kids to be empathetic is through humor. Kids are very receptive to humor if they see it as a source of entertainment. Children don’t learn to laugh at themselves if they don’t have any humor. If you can find ways to make your child’s mood bright and happy, you will be able to get them to start looking at things a little different. If you have a good time making up stories, then you will show that you can be a fun and interesting person to be around.

You can also teach kids to be more compassionate. Encourage them to take care of others and give them positive feedback. When they do something that you approve of, reward them for it. Show them that caring for others comes with a reward. Getting a pat on the back is often a very effective method of teaching kids to be more compassionate.

Finally, you should teach kids to listen to others. Kids who have an adequate amount of empathy are great listeners. If they can learn to listen to someone else who has a different perspective, they will become more likely to seek other people’s advice or opinions. By being a good listener, they are likely to have an open mind and be willing to learn from someone else.

These are some great ways to teach kids to be empathetic. Remember that they need to see that others experience the same feelings that they do. This will help them to avoid acting out on their own emotions. Kids are more likely to act out when they feel their feelings are being attacked. By being a good listener and paying attention to what another person is feeling, they will be able to learn how to better deal with their own emotional issues.